Seven Sharp Weekly Shop

Seven Sharp

A lot of people seeing this will likely be coming from the Seven Sharp segment, This is my weekly shop that features on the segment. Here I will feature the meal plan and some frequently asked questions and comments I get.

This post will continuously get updated as more comments roll in

Meal plan

A lot of meals this week are meals i've made before, why? I started my 10 week nursing placement this week and didn't want to put too much on my plate with trying to keep up with posting recipes. I also haven't posted many of these recipes yet as I just haven't found the time yet as I am at the hospital on placement Monday to Friday and at my part time job from Saturday to Sunday (I will likely burn out, I know). 


-Sticky Honey and Garlic Cauliflower
-Turmeric Chicken Thighs (i'm not even gonna post this one, It failed miserably)
-Beef Orzo


-Sandwiches (ham, cheese, homemade coleslaw)
 -Whatever I can find in the pantry


-Eggs on toast
-Cereal (Bought over the past couple weeks)
-Oats (bought ages ago)
-COFFEEEEEE (I have an espresso machine from the warehouse, It works great!)

Frequent Comments and Questions

"Nobody can live on this amount of food"
I never stated that I strictly live off this amount of food. I budget like this so I can afford to go out to dinner with my friends, grab takeaways every now and again and live in a warm safe home.

"This food isn't nutritious"
I acknowledge that some of my meals are not as balanced as they could be. Sometimes fruit and veg 
is expensive , I am doing the best with the restrictions
I have. Also! canned and frozen veg can be just as nutritious as fresh.
Just keep an eye on the sodium content of some canned foods. Keep that blood pressure down!

What about the essentials?
My weekly shop this week includes dishwashing liquid and toilet paper. I include te essentials every week, check out previous weekly shops. we are a pretty low maintenance household so the essentials don't take up too much of the budget.

Dont be jealous just because you don't have an ass like mine...

"This is common sense"
I thought the same. I have learnt so much through my degree and meet so many people in the community who have struggled with finances. I accredit my knowledge in budgeting to my upbringing. I am so grateful to have been brought up in a home with food always on the table. As i've gotten older I found that this was all due to strict budgeting as finances were not always stable with my dad owning his own trucking business and having a brother with a significant disability. Mum and dad taught me everything I know about budgeting and I didn't think it was rocket science. Through my degree I saw that not everyone had the same upbringing as me. Everyone has been impacted by the cost of living crisis and I wanted to help. Mum encouraged me for years to start a blog and I had some time to kill at the beginning of the year so I used that time to start the website. I never thought it would help anyone. It turns out it did and I am beyond grateful for the wonderful people on the multiple facebook pages that have encouraged me to continue doing this. I hope people can take something from my blog but its all good if you don't. It's your choice ❤️

lots of love
