Weekly Shop 9 & update


Scroll down to the bottom for the meal plan

Where the hell have I been??

It's been over two months since i've last posted to the blog or to the Facebook groups.
Well.....I got a degree!!!
For the last three years I have been working towards getting my bachelors degree in nursing and i've finally got there. For the last 10 weeks i've been on my final nursing placement. I was working 40 hours a week at the hospital (unpaid), coming home and completing school work then working my part time on the weekend. You can imagine it can be tricky doing all that AND running a blog. I found it incredibly difficult juggling my life while having the responsibility of another but I made it. Now I can focus on the other things I enjoy like playing squash and running the blog. 

The outcome of the Seven Sharp interview

I promise the fame did not go to my head...maybe a little hehe
I received a flood of comments both supportive and negative. Thank you to the people who reached out and sent kind messages. To the people who left negative messages, Im sorry you felt inclined to say that, I wish you peace. Also a HUGE thank you to EasiYo who sent me 8kgs of yogurt, I love you and Pak N Save Moorhouse who sent me some groceries. That steak was the most nutritious thing I ate in the entire 10 weeks of placement. I can't express how grateful I am ❤️. And finally to the crew at Seven Sharp, thank you for the opportunity, I never thought I would reach as many people as I have. I'll never forget this experience. 

Meal Plan

Bought lots of canned goods this week, It was the cheapest route....



- Cereal
- Toast
- Smoothies
- Eggs
(most of this food is left over from last week)


- Ham and cheese sammies
- leftovers (Some of my dinners serves 4)
- When I got sick of these lunches I tried the Pak N Save Savey Meal Bot and got some pretty decent recipes! I just pumped in the ingredients I had a home and clicked "solo meal". I had to adjust some of the recipes but they turned out pretty good. Here's one of them

I added chilli flakes and oregano then popped it in a sandwich press and added a bit of tomato sauce

Pak N Save did reach out asking me to use the savey bot but for complete transparency, they gave me some free food (cheers!). However I ran into some trouble using it for larger meals like dinner, I opted to try and use it for more simple meals like lunches. It worked pretty good on the days I could not bare another ham and cheese sandwich. Feel free to give it a go, you'll find it HERE
