Weekly Shop and Meal Plan 6


- The Article

There were a few common things brought up in the comments
sections of the RNZ article.

- Not enough meat
- Not enough veggies
- Not including household essentials
- Not including breakfast and lunch
- That I was fibbing about how much I spent

This week I invested in more meat and veggies while also including my household essentials (like I normally do..). 
On the right is my receipt from Moorhouse Pak n Save so ya'll know I not talking out my ass.
In this weeks meal plan I'll include my breakfast and lunches for full transparency!

Meal Plan


- Weetbix (bought last week)
- Oatmeal w/ fruit and brown sugar
- Toast
- Pancakes! 


- Sandwiches (Make them at the beginning of the week and freeze them) + kiwifruit and oat bars
- Leftovers
- Toasted Sandwiches

